Signed in as:
Parents of Kittens are: FIV/FeLV Negative, HCM Screened, PKDef & PRAb Tested.
Although Small Scale (our hobby), we are Nationally Reputable & have gained a positive presence in the International Bengal Community as well. We have almost 40 years of combined experience with Bengals Specifically - not simply cats in general.
**NOTE: We Do Not Place Bengals from Mid-NOV through Mid-FEB [The Busiest Time at Shelters for Older Pet RETURNS], with Rare Exceptions.
DUE to COVID-19 CONCERNS, WE ARE NOT ACCEPTING VISITS IN OUR HOME/CATTERY UFN; We will However, schedule interviews in your home as well as deliveries on an individual basis. Thank you.
*Image Courtesy of Bengals Illustrated
We own Top Quality Bengal Cats with Champion Bloodlines & produce kittens that are eligible for registration with TICA &/or the CFA. We are dedicated to the advancement of the breed & passionate about producing socialized kittens of excellent health, exceptional quality, & wild type! Our Bengals are Guaranteed Purebred. We are Very Much Involved in Bengal Rescue (available on occasion) and frequently assist Bengal Owners (in ND, MT, SD, & MN,) with Proper Placement of their Bengals when needed (due to moving, divorce, family illness).
We Want The Very Best for our Stunning, Hand-Raised, Pre-Spoiled Bengals, therefore, We Must Meet You FACE-TO-FACE, IN PERSON & Place Our Bengals via Application [only] in Approved, Forever Homes. We will not just sell to the first person with "cash in hand" or impulse buyers. We Place ALL of our Bengals as "INDOORS ONLY" & do not allow Declawing, which we consider to be barbaric & Inhumane!! If at ANY Time, Over the Lifetime of the Bengal, You Can No Longer Keep/Care For it, We Require its' Return for pre-screened re-homing.